Canada’s online Inuit art gallery

Celebrating our 10th year!

Welcome to Nanooq Inuit Art – Canada’s online Inuit art gallery. Whether you are a new collector or you already have an established collection, we hope to inspire you to further your love of Inuit art from Kinngait Studios in Cape Dorset, Nunavut.  We regularly refresh our collection so check back often.  We ship worldwide.



Riding my Polar Bear, 2023
Riding My Polar Bear
Cee Pootoogook

Cee Pootooogook – Photo courtesy Dorset Fine Arts.

Read about the multi-talented Cee Pootoogook – sculptor and artist of stonecuts and drawings.
Cee’s whimsical drawings have been a hit at Nanooq so we are pleased to launch his featured artist gallery!


Presenting two Etching & Chine Collé prints by Papiara Tukiki. Papiara gives free rein to her imagination in these delightfully whimsical images. Fundamental to her playful creations are her innate sense of design and composition, as well as the confident line work that bring her subjects to life. Each image is an edition of 30

Papiara Tukiki, photo courtesy Dorset Fine Arts. © William Ritchie
Wild Things VIIWild Things VIII

PRINTS FROM THE 70’S, 80’s & 90’S

We have added more prints from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s! Browse rare finds of gorgeous lithographs and stonecuts by Kananginak Pootoogook, Pitseolak Ashoona, Napachie Pootoogook, Mary Pudlat, Pudlo Pudlat Kakulu Saggiaktok, Lucy Qinnuayuak, Jamasie Teevee and others.

  • Journey to the Sea
  • A Quiet Landscape
  • Hunters Pursue Drifting Boat
  • Seagull in Flight
  • Fox Traps and Anxious Hunters
  • Fisherwoman
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